Friday, March 28, 2014

Come Forth.

It seemed like any ordinary Saturday morning to me. Sleeping in (yes, 7:00 AM IS sleeping in), coffee, catching up on my social network, more coffee, YMCA, errands, etc. Now granted, my heart had already been stirring regarding several situations; however, it wasn't until I tapped the number of a friend that God began to roll back the stone of my heart. Surely you've been there. If the disappointments of your own life haven't been enough, there's a list for those you love. On top of that, add the waiting. The wondering. The wishing. The roads your mind tends to travel when things don't work out the way you thought they should, or prayed they would. In the 11th chapter in the Book of John, Mary and Martha knew exactly how this felt. Their brother, Lazarus, was sick, or so they thought. They had no idea what was about to transpire, they only knew that someone they loved was hurting and it made zero sense to them. Christ shows up to give them even worse news: Lazarus wasn't sick, girls. He's dead. And then He told them, "It is for God's glory so that God's Son may be glorified through it." Exactly what they wanted to hear, what we want to hear, when the bottom falls out. My friend was absolutely heartbroken for her child. I listened as she shared, even vented, of their journey over the past year. I cried with her. My tears were for her, but they were also for myself and those I love who have faced their own share of challenges and heartache. The whole week I had been wrestling with the Lord, seeking Him for peace and rest. It wasn't until my friend and I were praying that God spoke volumes. In the same way that He knew about Lazarus, He knew about us. In the same way He knew how badly Mary and Martha were struggling, He understood that we, too, were struggling. In the same way that He knew what they didn't . . . He also knows what we don't. Mary, Martha and a few of Christ's disciples had no idea what He was about to do. Main reason we need faith? The vast majority of time, we have no clue what He's about to do either. Jesus was about to bring Lazarus back to life with two simple words: Come forth. Just when they had lost all hope, when the situation seemed so bleak and disappointment loomed like a thick fog, death would soon turn to life once again. As we prayed, we recounted what Christ had done for Lazarus. We resolved that we would also believe that what seemed dead could be resurrected to life with one command: Come forth. What are you facing that seems impossible? Is there a situation or circumstance where hope seems gone? Does it appear that nothing is happening or worse yet . . . looks as if nothing ever will? Have you wrestled with where is God and why has He allowed "this" to happen and for what purpose could this serve anyway? Christ knows. He sees. He hears. He knows. You may think it's dead but Christ's power can bring it to life again. Even if it's as simple as a dream of yours, or as intense as a broken marriage. Let Him roll back the stone of your heart. Believe Him. Speak with clarity and speak with confidence, just as Jesus did. Two simple words that changed everything thousands of years ago, and that ordinary Saturday of mine: Come forth. I find myself thinking it, saying it and praying it all the time. Come forth. Lord, here's "this" situation: Come forth. Father, here's "that" circumstance: Come forth. For my friend? Come forth. For my faith: Come forth.

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