Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Trust His Heart ...

As my heart has stirred this early morning, I've almost laughed out loud ... thinking about this particular song and the words that bring me much comfort. It's not that the song is funny, it's just that I can hear my daughter sing it to me, as she heard it [in her head] when she was a child. The song has been around forever, but time doesn't take away the message that continues to weave its place within my heart:

God is too wise to be mistaken
God is too good to be unkind
So when you don't understand
When you don't see His plan
When you can't trace His hand ...
Trust His heart.

It seems that my life has been on this perpetual journey that finds itself somewhere in these powerful words. So much that I don't understand. Places where I can't seem to "see" what is going on. Areas where, try as I might, I can't seem to trace His hand in the midst of it. I would be lying through my teeth (or keys) if I told you that this has been the most wonderful season of my life. To be honest, it's been one of the hardest chapters of my entire faith walk. I won't try to put ink to everything that's gone on within this heart of mine. I dare not express the lows as this pilgrim has traveled. Pain and heartache come in all ways, shapes and forms. Some of the hardest lessons come from circumstances ... while other life lessons come from those with skin.

Three things I have resolved along the way that have EVERYTHING to do with the song:
1) God is wise.
2) God IS good.
3) I CAN trust HIS heart.

In building this heart on those truths, the next resolve is probably the hardest of all: I will not quit. I believe one of the biggest lies of the enemy is to hard press God's children into doing one thing: Lay down and just quit. Play dead.
I've seen it in my own life. He taunts me with lies that God is not wise and that He is not looking out for my best interest. He dabbles with my head and says that God is not good, because if He was, He would have blocked interference in ________ or He would have worked harder on my behalf. Satan's biggest lie of all is that God can't be trusted. He tells me over and over that God is no different than man and who can trust man? Enough, already.

So ... if he can get me to buy back into that crazy distorted way of thinking, the next step for me would be to just quit. To stop living life. To cease to reach out, to pull up my heart's "draw bridge" and never let anyone else in. To stop taking a risk and dare not take a chance. Is anyone connecting with what I'm saying?

Just recently, the enemy even tried to toss a lie my way about my blog. So, for his behalf, "Sorry, Satan ... you lose. Again." (I'm smiling as I type that!)

Just in case you, precious reader, have any of the same stuff stirring within, here's some more truth to paint the walls of your heart:

This I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for Him. The LORD is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him.(Lamentations 3:21-25)

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.(Proverbs 3:5-6)

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. (Ephesians 6:12-13)

And to borrow the words from one more song, "Life is hard, but God is good."

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What I Love About Babies and Dogs ...

So, I was thinking earlier about what a slob I can be at times. As much as I don't like to think I'm lazy, there are areas of my life that most folks would shudder if they could see ... or if they knew. Take my refrigerator for example. I honestly don't think I've really cleaned it out in like over a year. I mean, I don't really keep food in there (sorry, Mike) so it's not like I'm continually shuffling things around. And then, there's the shower. When mold turns from black to pink ... we've got issues. My closet is a ram-sacked mess. My dog needs a bath and my roots are showing. The dust bunnies on the hardwood are the size of Texas and the garage hasn't been swept in months. Get the point?

But when my grandson, Rowe ... or my dog, Sarah are around -- they could care less. I so love that about them.

I absolutely love the fact that babies and dogs don't care when you haven't had a shower. They don't care if your breath stinks. They don't care if you sing out of tune and it makes absolutely zero difference to them if your house is clean or if your yard is mowed. That's what I love about babies and dogs. I love the fact that they love me ... just for me. They like that I talk to them in my alter-ego voice ... squeeky and all. They love it when I'm so excited to see them ... when I squeeze him tight or pet her head. I love it that no matter what kind of day I've had, they smile when I walk into the room and it makes everything okay. Somehow, that makes all the other things that I fret about seem way small.

When I'm with Rowe, he's content laying on the couch while I smooch all over him or talk silly with him. Sarah waits all day long for me to come home from work so I can take her for a walk. Those are such simple things and yet to babies and dogs ... they are everything!

This weekend, I plan to rest. Hold my grandbaby MUCH, walk my best girl, Sarah. Enjoy my family and friends, worship my Savior and just be thankful. I could spend these next couple of days cleaning things out and fixing myself up, but I think what I'd really like to do is just "be still and know that He is God."(Psalm 46:10)
That's what matters most.

Life is short, friends ... make it count.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

He Knows ...

Psalm 139 is on my heart this morning. Maybe it's because I got to spend some time with my incredible three month-old grandson. As I snuggled and smooched on him last night, I was reminded of our faithful Creator God who "knit Rowe together in Ashley's womb." (vs. 13)
And what a beautiful job He did, I must say. Rowe is just plain gorgeous! What's even more amazing is that not only did God create Rowe and holds Rowe's life in His hands ... but "all of Rowe's days have been written in His book before one of them comes to be." (vs. 16)

God knows Rowe and God knows you and me.

He knows that I am scared to death of wasps.
He knows that I hate that people like to kill animals ... just for the fun of it.
He knows that I like new clothes.
He knows that I'm insecure about myself.
He knows that I love my husband and children and would give my life for any of them.
He knows that I can be impatient.
He knows that I am a sucker for stray animals.
He knows that I type VERY fast.
He knows that I am loyal and faithful.
He knows that I love to exercise.
He knows that I easily withdraw at times.
He knows that I guard my heart.
He knows that I don't wash my make up off at night.
He knows that I am trying to not give my opinion unless I'm asked.
He knows that I love Target.
He knows that I have been deeply disappointed.
He knows that I love to laugh ... and that my laugh is LOUD!
He knows I don't like to fly.
He knows that I love the early morning.
He knows that I have big regrets.
He knows that I love coffee. And chocolate.
He knows that I run like Forest Gump from little girl behavior.
He knows that I have a huge sweet tooth and would prefer dessert over a meal.
He knows that I don't like surprises.
He knows that I love animals and would work as an Animal Cop if I could.
He knows it all.

Oh Lord, you have searched me and you know me. (Psalm 139:1)

And because He doesn't just know me, He knows what the future holds for me! Which means I can trust Him with the things that I don't know:

Where will I live in a year from now?
Where will I work and serve in a year from now?
Who will be walking by my side in a year from now?
Will I be healthy in a year from now?
What will God be doing in my life a year from now?
When will God answer some of the things I've been praying for ... some for years?

So maybe I'm a little wierd and I do think about all these things from time to time. God bringing Rowe into our lives has been huge in reminding me that God is the Giver of life ... the Sustainer of life ... and the Detailer of our lives. Every bit of it. From what's on the inside to what we live on the outside. I love that about Him.

The LORD [Covenant Maker/Promise Keeper God] will fulfill His purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever -- do not abandon the works of your hands. (Psalm 138:8)

We are made in God's image and He cherishes us more than we could ever know.

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14)

God knows Rowe McCoy. God knows Rhonda Weeks. And you ... He knows.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Coco's Rescue

It never fails that if there's a stray or abandoned dog roaming in the vicinity of my house, I'll surely find it. Let me rephrase that so there's no confusion: The dog doesn't even have to be close to where I live. If I'm driving through town, it's like my eyes and heart will have a radar lock on one of my fury four-legged friends. It's seldom when I see one that I'm able to turn away, even though at times, I have tried. I have nearly been killed trying to coax a lost dog from the middle of Keith Street. I could have wrecked countless times when trying to pull off a busy road. It's sheer craziness, I know ... but I can't help it. Ask my husband or my kids and they will tell you that I'm telling the truth.

Yesterday was no different. I need you to know that I don't intentionally pursue lost or stray dogs ... it just happens. But here I was, minding my own business, making a turn toward home ... when in he middle of the road was the cutest little dog, stressed and making a bee-line toward the center of the intersection. Stick with me here because like always, I pull off, get out of the car and begin to call her. "Puppy! Puppy! Come here little girl. PUPPY!" With a look of hesitation, she got off the road and approached me in the bank parking lot. She immediately rolled over (total submission) and let me rub her belly. I was THRILLED to see that not only did she have a collar, she had an owner's tag. There it was: COCO, with her phone number.
Within minutes, I had Coco back with her family and I was on my way.

As I drove home, I was thankful that no matter how Coco had gotten out, she was safe at home, safe with her family that loves her.

Coco had no idea that she was putting her life in jeopardy by running down the middle of the road. She was clueless that just yards in front of her was a busy intersection. This dog was foot lose and fancy free, and even though there was a sense of panic about her ... she was on what may have appeared to be a "great adventure."

Sometimes we are like Coco. Determined to go our own way -- clueless as to what may be right around the corner that has the potential to hurt us. Hurt us bad. Coco would have been a smart dog to stick close to home that day ... and we will be wise people to not venture outside what God has deemed safe for us. The problem is that, like Coco, we want some type of adventure.

God knows the plans He has for our lives. They are plans to prosper us ... not to harm us. Plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

One thing is for sure: As we hold tightly to our Savior's hand ... He will lead us and He will guide us. He will never take us down a road that will lead to destruction. He will never point us in the wrong direction.

Just like I was calling for Coco, God will call for us ... urging us to come back. As I called and called (okay, I was yelling) for her ... I thought about the times He has called and called for me.
Countless times God intervened on my behalf saving me from disaster or destruction.

And if that wasn't enough, God showed me that as good as I felt about rescuing Coco, He also wants me to be on the lookout for brothers and sisters in Christ who also might be headed for trouble: "My brothers, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring him back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins."
(James 5:19-20)

I guess I will always be on the look out for dogs who need someone to rescue them. Yesterday, God reminded me that taking the time and investing in others who might also be headed for disaster is a good thing. In fact, it's a God thing.